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Balance Management

1.How to check my balance?

Enter「Account」-「Currency Balance」page to check your account balance. Under each currency account, Currency Balance = Available Balance + Wait settle balance + Freeze Balance. After summary of each account currency’s amount in USD(based on X.E. original exchange rate), Total account balance = Total available balance + Total balance to be settled + Total frozen balance. Note:

  1. the account balance is only used as reference for checking the balance, not as basis for settlement;
  2. the USD unit balance amount of a non-USD currency account is only for display purpose.

2.How to avoid affecting merchant’s disbursement business from account balance insufficiency?

We provide [Balance Alerts] function to remind merchant to top up in time to avoid this situation. Enter「Account」-「Currency Balance」-「Balance Alerts」page, to add alert rule. When your account balance is less than or equal to the alerting amount, you will receive email notification from us. Regarding [Balance Alerts], the alert amount only includes available balance of each currency account, it’s not alert for total account balance.

3.What is “Availabe Balance”, “Wait Settle Balance”, “Freeze Balance”?

Available Balance is your top-up amount, which can be used for disbursement and refund.
Wait Settle Balance is the amount which is going to be settled and from your payment business, it can be used for settlement and refund.
Freeze Balance is the amount of your frozen account, which is generally due to user refusal or user appeal.

4.Why is “available balance” amount not consistent with the amount we actually paid?

PayerMax currently only accepts USD as a deposit. After receiving the amount calculated in US dollars, PayerMax will convert it into the target currency and recharge it to your available balance account according to the exchange rate agreed in the contract. In various currency exchange operations, PayerMax will refer to our company’s exchange rate system. For more information, please consult your business manager.

5.How is the amount of “wait settle balance” calculated? Why does it not match the amount of corresponding settlement statement?

(1) ‘Amount to be settled’ is the amount to be settled for your receiving transaction, and it displays the real-time amount of each currency at the time of query on the page. Note: USD unit balances for non-USD currency accounts are for display purposes only.
(2) The settlement statement amount is the dollar denominated amount at the time of actual settlement with you.
The amount to be settled in each currency that meets the settlement conditions (reaching the settlement cycle, starting amount, and working day) is converted into US dollars according to the exchange rate agreed in the contract and reflected in the settlement statement.
To sum up, the display of the amount of “Amount to be settled” can only be used as a reference to check the approximate balance, and cannot be used as the basis for settlement and reconciliation.
If you need to reconcile funds for receiving transactions, please refer to the settlement statement. For more information, please consult your business manager.

6.How to top up my account?

There are 2 methods: (1)Enter「Account」-「Top Up」page, top up your account based on tips, for details, please refer to Merchant Top up Process; (2)You can also top up your account with your settlement amount, for details, please refer to Settlement to Top up process.

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