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After the payment is completed, PayerMax will send the relevant payment results to the merchant in the form of a data flow. After receiving it, the merchant is supposed to process it and respond properly according to the document specifications.

1. Notification Specifications

(1) The notification will be retried due to abnormal network connection, and merchants need to handle idempotency correctly.

(2) When receiving the PayerMax result notification, the merchant needs to respond correctly. If the response is incorrect, PayerMax will suppose that the notification failed and resend the notification until it succeeds (if the notification has been unsuccessful all the time, PayerMax will initiate multiple notifications, the notification frequency is 0s/30s/300s/600s/3600s/43200s - 6 times in total ), but PayerMax cannot guarantee that these notifications will eventually succeed.

(3) When the order status is unknown or the PayerMax payment result notification has not been received, merchants are advised to call PayerMax's 【Transaction Inquiry】API interface to confirm the order status.

(4) When receiving the notification, the merchant needs to update the transaction result according to the status in the notification. Please refer to 【Transaction Status/Errorcode List】 for the status description.


Transaction results cannot be updated based on code and message.

Special reminder:

  1. The merchant system needs to verify the content of the payment result notification by signature.
  2. When receiving a notification for processing, you should first check the status of the corresponding data to determine whether the notification has been processed. Keep processing if it has not been processed, or return a successful result directly if it has been processed.
  3. Usually, the callback will only be made when the transaction reaches the final state (success, failure, bounceback), but when the payment method has information that needs to be perceived by the merchant/user in the pending state, a callback notification will also be made.

2. Asynchronous Callback Notification For Disbursement Result

For details, please refer: API

3. Returned Parameters On Merchant Side

ParameterTypeRequired Or NotMaximum LengthDescriptionSample Response
codeStringM32response ‘SUCCESS’SUCCESS
msgStringO256response ‘Success’Success

Released under the MIT License.