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1. 交易状态




2. 错误码


	"msg": "The amount doesn't match the payment method requirement.",
	"code": "AMOUNT_LIMIT"


	"msg": "Payment was not completed on time.",
	"code": "PAYMENT_FAILED",
	"data": {
		"reference": "JOLLY",
		"country": "TH",
		"totalAmount": 300,
		"outTradeNo": "TP002024051309261650130939",
		"currency": "THB",
		"tradeToken": "T2024051309124735760727",
		"paymentDetails": [],
		"status": "CLOSED"
	"keyVersion": "1",
	"appId": "5a48dcf440074021b87d4ef901bf9629",
	"merchantNo": "SP18440851",
	"notifyTime": "2024-05-13T10:28:03.606Z",
	"notifyType": "PAYMENT"


2.1 错误码列表

系统异常SYSTEM_ERRORSystem is busy, please try again later.系统错误;请联系PayerMax
REQUEST_TIMEOUTRequest timeout or didn't get result, If you have finished to pay, pls wait for the result.请求超时;请联系PayerMax
UNEXPECTED_ERRORNo further information for the error, plz try it later.未知错误;请联系PayerMax
基础校验异常SIGN_VERIFY_FAILEDThe signature verify failed.签名错误;请核实签名
MERCHANT_INVALIDThe merchant has been offline.无效商户
MERCHANT_APP_INVALIDSignature key is not configured.无效商户APP
PARAMS_INVALID${field} length must be between ${min} and ${max},but your input value length is ${length}.Make sure all requests length is correct.无效参数-入参字段长度不符合要求;请参考官网字段描述
PARAMS_INVALID${field} must be ${type} , but your input is ${valueType}.Make sure all requests type is correct.无效参数-入参字段类型不正确;请参考官网字段描述
PARAMS_INVALID${field} is invalid,because ${field} is null.无效参数-入参字段不能为空;请参考官网字段描述
业务校验异常AMOUNT_INVALIDAmount is incorrect.无效的金额
COUNTRY_INVALIDNo country support, pls re-pay.无效的国家;可参考支持的国家和币种
CURRENCY_INVALIDcurrency is invalid,because currency is not defined.无效的币种;可参考支持的国家和币种
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has no activated contract, please check the contract status.无效合约;请检查合约有效性
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the contract in ${value}.指定的国家/地区未签约;请检查合约有效性
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the ${paymentMethod} payment method.指定的支付方式未签约;请检查合约有效性
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the ${targetOrg} target origination correspondingly, although you have signed the ${paymentMethod} payment method.指定的目标机构未签约;请检查合约有效性
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the ${currency} currency correspondingly, although you have signed the ${paymentMethod} payment method.指定的支付方式有签约,但所指定的币种未签约;请检查合约有效性
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the ${currency} currency correspondingly, although you have signed the ${paymentMethod} payment method and the ${targetOrg} target origination.指定的目标机构有签约,但所指定的币种未签约;请检查合约有效性
PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_EXISTThe payment method does not exist.支付方式不存在;请更换其他支付方式
PAYMENT_METHOD_SUSPENDThe payment method already suspend, plz try other payment methods.支付方式暂不可用;请更换其他支付方式
AMOUNT_LIMIT_MINIMUMThe order amount is lower than the minimum limit of the payment method.最小金额限制
AMOUNT_LIMIT_MAXIMUMThe order amount exceeds the maximum limit of the payment method.最大金额限制
AMOUNT_LIMITThe amount doesn't match the payment method requirement.金额限制
ORDER_REPEATThe order number repeat.订单重复
ONBOARD_ERRORPlease complete the merchant onboarding, then refresh the page.商户未报备;请先完成报备
PAYMENT_PROCESSINGThe payment is processing, pls check the result.支付处理中;请稍后重试
PARTICIPANT_INVALIDInvalid participant.无效分账参与方
ORDER_CLOSEDThis order has been closed.订单关闭
BALANCE_INSUFFICIENTInsufficient balance to pay, please confirm payment account available balance.余额不足
OTP_VERIFY_LIMITOTP verification exceeds limit.OTP验证超过限制
OTP_VERIFY_FAILEDOTP verification failed.OTP验证失败
OVER_VERIFY_LIMITExceeded the number of verifications.超过验证次数
BARCODE_REFRESH_LIMITOver barcode refresh times.Barcode刷新限制
BARCODE_REFRESH_FAILEDBarcode refresh failed.Barcode刷新失败
CARD_INVALIDMake sure the card number is correct.无效卡号
CARD_EXPIRE_DATE_INVALIDInvalid card number validity period.无效卡号有效期
CARD_HOLDER_NAME_INVALIDInvalid cardholder name.无效持卡人姓名
CVV_INVALIDCvv is incorrect, pls check.无效CVV
UNSUPPORT_CARDThis card don't support, please change another card.卡不支持
ACCOUNT_INVALIDYour acount is invalid or not active, please confirm and re-enter.无效账号
PHONE_NUM_INVALIDThe phone number is invalid, pls check and re-enter.无效的电话号码
UPI_INVALIDUPI is incorrect.无效UPI
PIN_VERIFY_LIMITPin verification exceeds limit.Pin验证超过限制
PIN_INVALIDPin is invalid.Pin无效
BANKCODE_INVALIDInvalid bank card number.无效银行卡号
ID_NUM_INVALIDInvalid ID number.无效的证件号
EMAIL_INVALIDYour email is invalid, or your account is not active, please confirm and re-enter.无效的Email
DOCUMENT_INVALIDInvalid document.无效的文档
TCK_INVALIDTC Kimlik No. is incorrect.无效的TC Kimlik No.
DATE_INVALIDThe data format is error, please check.无效的日期
PAYEE_NAME_INVALIDYour name is invalid, or does not match, please confirm and re-enter.无效的付款人姓名
REMARK_INVALIDInvalid remark.无效的remark
CNIC_INVALIDThe CNIC is incorrect, pls confirm and re-enter.无效的CNIC
PAYMENT_FAILEDProvider failed to process.支付失败
ACCOUNT_BLOCKEDPayer account/card blocked or frozen. Pls confirm payment account/card status.账号被锁定/冻结
PAYMENT_CANCELEDpayment canceled.用户在第三方支付取消
授权异常AUTHENTICATE_FAILEDYour payment was declined due to authentication failure. Please try using a different card or contact your issuer for more detail.授权失败
AUTH_EXPIREDThe authorization has expired, pls rebind.授权过期
AUTH_FAILEDAuthorization failed.授权失败或不存在
交易拒绝PAYMENT_REJECTEDTransaction failed at processor end due to risk control.Please try using a different payment method/card.请求拒绝
DECLINED_BY_MERCHANT_BLACKLISTtransaction failed at processor end due to risk control.商户黑名单拦截
ISSUER_PAYMENT_REJECTEDTransaction failed at issuer end due to risk control. Please contact your payment method issuer for more detail.请求被第三方拒绝
查询ORDER_NOT_EXISTThe order does not exist.订单不存在
退款REFUND_FAILEDThe payment method does not support partial refund.退款失败-支付方式不支持部分退款
REFUND_FAILEDThe payment method does not support refund.退款失败-支付方式不支持退款
REFUND_FAILEDThe refund amount is too small to refund.退款失败-退款金额太小
REFUND_NO_INVALIDRefundNo shouldn't same with TradeNo.退款单号无效
REFUND_NO_INVALIDInsufficient balance to refund.余额不足无法退款

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