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Transaction Status/Errorcode

1. Transaction Status

After Payermax accepts your order request, you can sense the payment status through Transaction Inquiry or notification. You can obtain transaction status to formulate business processes. The status is as follows:

SUCCESSSuccessful transactionUser's payment is successful
PENDINGTransaction processingWait for user to complete payment
FAILEDTransaction failedPayment failed
CLOSEDTransaction closedThe user did not complete the payment within the validity period

When the order is unsuccessful, PayerMax will provide an error code so that you can analyze the reason for the failure.

2. Errorcode

Payermax’s external API provides stable services. If an exception occurs, you will be notified of the error message in the body of the http interface response, for example:

	"msg": "The amount doesn't match the payment method requirement.",
	"code": "AMOUNT_LIMIT"

Similarly, in asynchronous callbacks, failure information will also be responded to, for example:

	"msg": "Payment was not completed on time.",
	"code": "PAYMENT_FAILED",
	"data": {
		"reference": "JOLLY",
		"country": "TH",
		"totalAmount": 300,
		"outTradeNo": "TP002024051309261650130939",
		"currency": "THB",
		"tradeToken": "T2024051309124735760727",
		"paymentDetails": [],
		"status": "CLOSED"
	"keyVersion": "1",
	"appId": "5a48dcf440074021b87d4ef901bf9629",
	"merchantNo": "SP18440851",
	"notifyTime": "2024-05-13T10:28:03.606Z",
	"notifyType": "PAYMENT"

If the transaction is accepted normally, the returned code is "APPLY_SUCCESS".

2.1 Errorcode List

CategoryResult CodeDescriptionComments
System ExceptionSYSTEM_ERRORSystem is busy, please try again later.System error; please contact PayerMax.
REQUEST_TIMEOUTRequest timeout or didn't get result, If you have finished to pay, pls wait for the result.Request timed out; please contact PayerMax.
UNEXPECTED_ERRORNo further information for the error, plz try it later.Unknown error; please contact PayerMax.
Basic Verification ExceptionSIGN_VERIFY_FAILEDThe signature verify failed.Wrong signature; please verify signature.
MERCHANT_INVALIDThe merchant has been offline.Invalid merchant.
MERCHANT_APP_INVALIDSignature key is not configured.Invalid merchant APP.
PARAMS_INVALID${field} length must be between ${min} and ${max},but your input value length is ${length}.Make sure all requests length is correct.Invalid parameter - the input parameter field length does not meet the requirements; please refer to the official website field description.
PARAMS_INVALID${field} must be ${type} , but your input is ${valueType}.Make sure all requests type is correct.Invalid parameter - the input parameter field type is incorrect; please refer to the official website field description.
PARAMS_INVALID${field} is invalid,because ${field} is null.Invalid parameter - the input parameter field cannot be empty; please refer to the official website field description.
Business Verification exceptionAMOUNT_INVALIDAmount is incorrect.Invalid Amount.
COUNTRY_INVALIDNo country support, pls re-pay.Invalid country, please refer to Supported Country/Region and Currency.
CURRENCY_INVALIDcurrency is invalid,because currency is not defined.Invalid currency, please refer to Supported Country/Region and Currency.
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has no activated contract, please check the contract status.Invalid contract; please check contract validity.
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the contract in ${value}.The specified country/region is not signed; please check contract validity.
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the ${paymentMethod} payment method.The specified payment method is not signed; please check contract validity.
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the ${targetOrg} target origination correspondingly, although you have signed the ${paymentMethod} payment method.The specified target institution is not signed a contract; please check contract validity.
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the ${currency} currency correspondingly, although you have signed the ${paymentMethod} payment method.The specified payment method is signed, but the specified currency is not; please check contract validity.
CONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the ${currency} currency correspondingly, although you have signed the ${paymentMethod} payment method and the ${targetOrg} target origination.The specified target institution is signed, but the specified currency is not; please check contract validity.
PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_EXISTThe payment method does not exist.The payment method does not exist; please change other payment methods.
PAYMENT_METHOD_SUSPENDThe payment method already suspend, plz try other payment methods.The payment method is temporarily unavailable; please change to another payment method.
AMOUNT_LIMIT_MINIMUMThe order amount is lower than the minimum limit of the payment method.Minimum amount limit.
AMOUNT_LIMIT_MAXIMUMThe order amount exceeds the maximum limit of the payment method.Maximum amount limit.
AMOUNT_LIMITThe amount doesn't match the payment method requirement.Amount limit.
ORDER_REPEATThe order number repeat.Duplicate order.
ONBOARD_ERRORPlease complete the merchant onboarding, then refresh the page.The merchant is not onboarded; please complete merchant onboarding first.
PAYMENT_PROCESSINGThe payment is processing, pls check the result.Payment is being processed; please try again later.
PARTICIPANT_INVALIDInvalid participant.Invalid ledger participant.
ORDER_CLOSEDThis order has been closed.Order closed.
BALANCE_INSUFFICIENTInsufficient balance to pay, please confirm payment account available balance.Insufficient balance.
OTP_VERIFY_LIMITOTP verification exceeds limit.OTP verification exceeds limit.
OTP_VERIFY_FAILEDOTP verification failed.OTP verification failed.
OVER_VERIFY_LIMITExceeded the number of verifications.Verification times exceeded.
BARCODE_REFRESH_LIMITOver barcode refresh times.Barcode refresh limit.
BARCODE_REFRESH_FAILEDBarcode refresh failed.Barcode refresh failed.
CARD_INVALIDMake sure the card number is correct.Invalid card number.
CARD_EXPIRE_DATE_INVALIDInvalid card number validity period.Invalid card number validity period.
CARD_HOLDER_NAME_INVALIDInvalid cardholder name.Invalid cardholder name.
CVV_INVALIDCvv is incorrect, pls check.Invalid CVV.
UNSUPPORT_CARDThis card don't support, please change another card.unsupported card.
ACCOUNT_INVALIDYour acount is invalid or not active, please confirm and re-enter.Invalid account.
PHONE_NUM_INVALIDThe phone number is invalid, pls check and re-enter.Invalid phone number.
UPI_INVALIDUPI is incorrect.Invalid UPI.
PIN_VERIFY_LIMITPin verification exceeds limit.Pin verification exceeds limit.
PIN_INVALIDPin is invalid.Invalid Pin.
BANKCODE_INVALIDInvalid bank card number.Invalid bank card number.
ID_NUM_INVALIDInvalid ID number.Invalid ID number.
EMAIL_INVALIDYour email is invalid, or your account is not active, please confirm and re-enter.Invalid Email.
DOCUMENT_INVALIDInvalid document.Invalid document.
TCK_INVALIDTC Kimlik No. is incorrect.Invalid TC Kimlik No.
DATE_INVALIDThe data format is error, please check.Invalid date format.
PAYEE_NAME_INVALIDYour name is invalid, or does not match, please confirm and re-enter.Invalid payer name.
REMARK_INVALIDInvalid remark.Invalid remark.
CNIC_INVALIDThe CNIC is incorrect, pls confirm and re-enter.Invalid CNIC.
PAYMENT_FAILEDProvider failed to process.Payment failed.
ACCOUNT_BLOCKEDPayer account/card blocked or frozen. Pls confirm payment account/card status.Account locked/frozen.
PAYMENT_CANCELEDpayment canceled.User cancels in third-party payment.
Authorization ExceptionAUTHENTICATE_FAILEDYour payment was declined due to authentication failure. Please try using a different card or contact your issuer for more detail.Authorization failed.
AUTH_EXPIREDThe authorization has expired, pls rebind.Authorization expired.
AUTH_FAILEDAuthorization failed.Authorization failed or does not exist.
Transaction Denied ExceptionPAYMENT_REJECTEDTransaction failed at processor end due to risk control.Please try using a different payment method/card.Request Denied.
DECLINED_BY_MERCHANT_BLACKLISTtransaction failed at processor end due to risk control.Merchant blacklist blocking.
ISSUER_PAYMENT_REJECTEDTransaction failed at issuer end due to risk control. Please contact your payment method issuer for more detail.Request rejected by third party.
InquiryORDER_NOT_EXISTThe order does not exist.Order does not exist.
RefundREFUND_FAILEDThe payment method does not support partial refund.Refund failed - the payment method does not support partial refunds.
REFUND_FAILEDThe payment method does not support refund.Refund failed - the payment method does not support refund.
REFUND_FAILEDThe refund amount is too small to refund.Refund failed - refund amount too small.
REFUND_NO_INVALIDRefundNo shouldn't same with TradeNo.Invalid refund order number.
REFUND_NO_INVALIDInsufficient balance to refund.Insufficient balance, cannot be refunded.

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