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Transaction Status/Errorcode

1. Transaction Status

After Payermax accepts your order request, you can sense the payment status through Transaction Inquiry or notification. You can obtain transaction status to formulate business processes. For the specific transaction status, please refer: 【Transaction Status】.

When the order is unsuccessful, Payermax will provide an error code so that you can analyze the reason for the failure.

2. Errorcode

Payermax’s external API provides stable services. If an exception occurs, you will be notified of the error message in the body of the http interface response, for example:

	"msg": "The amount doesn't match the payment method requirement.",
	"code": "AMOUNT_LIMIT"

Similarly, in asynchronous callbacks, failure information will also be responded to, for example:

	"msg": "Payment was not completed on time.",
	"code": "PAYMENT_FAILED",
	"data": {
		"reference": "JOLLY",
		"country": "TH",
		"totalAmount": 300,
		"outTradeNo": "TP002024051309261650130939",
		"currency": "THB",
		"tradeToken": "T2024051309124735760727",
		"paymentDetails": [],
		"status": "CLOSED"
	"keyVersion": "1",
	"appId": "5a48dcf440074021b87d4ef901bf9629",
	"merchantNo": "SP18440851",
	"notifyTime": "2024-05-13T10:28:03.606Z",
	"notifyType": "PAYMENT"

If the transaction is accepted normally, the returned code is "APPLY_SUCCESS".

For a list of error codes returned by the interface, please refer: 【Errorcode List】.

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