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Middle East & Africa


Please refer to "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications"-"Filling in Specifications" form for whether Carrier Billing Disbursement and SWIFT Disbursement are supported.


Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationIconMin. Amount(KMF)Max. Amount(KMF)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
BANK_TRANSFERPlease refer to "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications"/10/The amount does not support decimals 0-1 business day


Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationIconMin. Amount(EGP)Max. Amount(EGP)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
CASHFAWRY/1250,000 This payment method is special and requires the payee to get the redeem code to withdraw money offline. For details, please refer to: [FAWRYCASH Payment process] Fawry Retail store locator, see:[Fawry Retail store ocator] When there is a decimal in the payment amount, it will be rounded down.
For users who reach a daily withdrawal amount of 250,000 EGP, Fawry offline stores will require the withdrawal person to provide a National ID or Passport to identify the recipient's identity. To avoid being asked for identification during withdrawals, it is recommended for users to carry their identification documents when making withdrawals.
Depends on user withdrawal time
AMAN/55000The payee needs to go to the nearest Aman or Masary store, provide the Reference number, and withdraw the money. [Call to confirm the nearby withdrawal spot. Masary dial 16994, Aman dial 19910] If the money is not withdrawn for more than 15 days, the transaction will be cancelled. Funds will be returned to the merchant's PMmax balance account after cancellation.For other related instructions, see:[Instructions on Aman]( "[Instructions on Aman.pdf") Depends on user withdrawal time
WALLETMEEZA_NETWORK/560,000/per transaction,200,000/per monthThe mobile number needs to be registered with any wallet in Egypt. It supports all the telecom operator wallets in Egypt (Vodafone, Etisalat, Orange, WE) and bank wallets (such as BM Wallet, CIB Smart Wallet, QNB Wallet, etc.).
The maximum balance of the wallet is 100,000 EGP. As long as the wallet balance is below 100K, you can transfer funds in a loop to the wallet.
See: Instructions on wallet
0-1 business day
BANK_TRANSFERPlease refer to "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications"/1//0-1 business day
CARD/1/Transfers to card and bank account are both supported,credit card is not included0-1 business day


Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationIconMin. Amount(JOD)Max. Amount(JOD)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
BANK_TRANSFERPlease refer to "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications"/1// 0-1 business day


Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationIconMin. Amount(KWD)Max. Amount(KWD)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
BANK_TRANSFERPlease refer to "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications"/1// 1-2 business day


Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationIconMin. Amount(MAD)Max. Amount(MAD)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
BANK_TRANSFER//1Depends on various bank requirements/ 2-3 business days


Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationIconMin. Amount(NGN)Max. Amount(NGN)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
BANK_TRANSFERPlease refer to "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications"/100.00//0-1 business day


Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationIconMin. Amount(QAR)Max. Amount(QAR)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
BANK_TRANSFERPlease refer to "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications"/1// 0-1 business day

Saudi Arabia

Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationIconMin. Amount(SAR)Max. Amount(SAR)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
BANK_TRANSFERPlease refer to "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications"/120,000Only local currency bank accounts are supported0-1 business day
WALLETSTCPAY/0.0120,000The cumulative monthly deposit amount for STCPAY cannot exceed 20,000 SAR. Any amount exceeding this limit will be placed in the Pending Balance and will be transferred to the available balance in the following month.0-1 business day


Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationIconMin. Amount(TND)Max. Amount(TND)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
BANK_TRANSFERPlease refer to "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications"/11,000,000/ 0-1 business day ​


Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationIconMin. Amount(TRY)Max. Amount(TRY)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
WALLETPAPARA/0.0150,000 business day
BANK_TRANSFER//0.01330,000/0-1 business day

United Arab Emirates

Payment Method TypeTarget OrganizationMin. Amount(AED)Max. Amount(AED)Additional Restrictions and NotesArrival time
BANK_TRANSFER/0.02500,000Only local currency bank accounts are supported, The Target Organization does not need to be specified in the interface.For the range of supported banks, please refer to [List of supported banks]0-1 business day
WALLETPAYBY0.0110,000The maximum account balance is 20,000 AED. If exceeded, the transaction will fail.
The PAYBY account needs to complete the real-name authentication in advance, and only the authenticated account can receive funds into the account.
If the authenticated EID (UAE ID) has expired, the transaction will fail directly.
0-1 business day

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