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Signing Management

1. Function Description

The signing management function of the merchant management center provides the online confirmation process of fee table and service agreement, which helps customers to better and faster use PayerMax products to carry out their own business.

2. Operation Instructions

2.1 Receive Signing Notification

When PayerMax pushes the corresponding signing information to you, you will receive the message pop-up window in the lower right corner, click [Go to sign].

2.2 Check Pending Information

2.2.1 To Sign List

The pending list will show the Fee Table and the name of the ServiceAgreement, etc, which you need to sign.
Please click the [Go to sign] button on the right side of the list to view details and accept.

2.2.2 Contract Details

Details of the contract can be seen the contract overview and corresponding fee information and agreement information.

(1) Overview

(2) Details of Fee Table

(3) Details of Service Agreement

2.3 Operation Contract

(1) Click [Accept] and the Fee Table and Service Agreement go into effect;
(2) By clicking [refuse], you can contact PayerMax to discuss and correct the nonconforming content.

Released under the MIT License.