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Service Introduction

PayerMax Disbursement Service provides merchants two forms of integration, including integrated API disbursement and batch disbursement on merchant dashboard

1.Operation Process

1.1 Merchants collect users’ account information for accepting payment on their own website or APP client;

1.2 Merchants make payment requests to PayerMax through Merchant Dashboard or API;

1.3 When merchant make API requests, PayerMax server is informed of the final payment status. it asynchronously pushes the payment result of the order to the callback URL designated by the merchant;

1.4 Merchants can also actively call the order inquiry interface to enquire payment order details;

1.5 The payment is irreversible and cannot be withdrawn once initiated.

2.Product Form

PayerMax offers two types of disbursement products.

2.1 API disbursement

It is suitable for merchants who require high effectiveness of disbursement, which can call the interface to make payment immediately after the user initiates an application.

2.2 Batch disbursement on Merchant dashboard

No need to integrate, service can be used immediately after authorizing, which is convenient and fast.

Released under the MIT License.