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Daily reconciliation file

The daily reconciliation file will be provided to merchant in the form of a compressed file, containing the day's transaction files and bill files(different contract entities and different currency dimensions). Among which, the transaction files include disbursement transaction files and payment transaction files (only those orders whose payment&disbursement status is final are displayed). Note: The bill file do not include the single fund details of the payment transactions. For the single fund details of the payment transactions, please refer to the settlement statement.

Sample files after decompression:

The above files content indicates: ·Merchant signed contracts with two entities(Funtech and PayerMax); ·Merchant has disbursement transactions in Indonesia and Pakistan with our both entities of Funtech and PayerMax; ·Merchant has payment transactions in Indonesia with our Funtech entity; ·There are some failed,closed transactions wich need merchant to check in payment_report_other_0 file; ·Each excel file contains up to 20w transaction/funding orders.If the transaction/funding orders number of the day exceeds 20w, it will be split into multiple excel files for display (it will be reflected in the last digit of the file name, such as bill_report_FunTech_2021-09-09_IDR_1, bill_report_FunTech_2021-09-09_IDR_2).

Payment transaction file:

The payment transaction file displays all the payment orders that are in final status (success, failure, transaction closed, refund succeeded) according to transactions' completed time, with UTC+0 time zone by default. The transaction orders are displayed in reverse order by transactions' create time, if there are refund orders, it will be also displayed in reverse order by refund update time after the order created on the day. For example, if a merchant has an order created on June 11 that is refunded on September 9th, the order will be displayed in the payment transaction bill on September 9th according to the refund update time. Payment transaction file template:payment_report_Funtech_2021-09-09_IDR_0.xlsx

Disbursement transaction file:

The disbursement transaction file displays all the disbursement orders in final status (success, failure, bounceback) according to transactions' update time, with UTC+0 time zone by default. The transaction orders are displayed in reverse order by transactions' update time. Note: For an order with bounceback status, the order will be displayed in the file according to its status update time. Since 'bounceback' is final status, when an order occurred bounce back, the status of the order will be changed from ‘success’ to ‘bounceback’, and at the same time, the update time will be changed to the current time. Disbursement transaction file template:disbursement_report_Funtech_2021-09-10_IDR_0.xlsx

Bill file:

The bill file displays the merchant’s account balance changes in each currency on the current day. The accounting types include: disbursement application, disbursement failed, top up, etc. The various currencies' accounts are displayed separately in different files. The accounting orders are displayed in reverse order by orders' accounting time, with UTC+0 time zone by default. Note: Bill file do not include the single fund details of the payment transaction. bill file template:bill_report_FunTech_2021-09-10_IDR_0.xlsx

Monthly reconciliation file

The monthly reconciliation file contains disbursement file and payment file which are all summary files summarizing each day's transactions number according to different contract entities. disbursement reconciliation file template:disbursement_sum_report_Funtech_202108.xlsxpayment reconciliation file template:payment_sum_report_Funtech_202108.xlsx

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